Come da programma lunedì mattina siamo arrivati all' Accademia di Sofia,
in fermento per il periodo d'esami, durante il quale i ragazzi bulguri
organizzano delle mostre con i loro lavori migliori. In questa viva
situazioni siamo stati accolti dal Prof. Dobrev Boyan, che ci ha
mostrato il suo dipartimento, quello di arti murali, e l'accademia in
generale. Dopo il primo di una lunga serie di pranzi alla caffetteria
dell'Accademia, e un' altro giro per gli atelier studenteschi, siamo
andati a vedere un briciolo di Sofia, restando incantati e
ripromettendoci di visitarla meglio, tempo permettendo.
According to our program, on Monday we have arrived to the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia. Academy was all in ferment because of the final exams, when students prepare exhibitions of their best works. In this lively atmosphere we were received by prof. Boyan Dobrev, who has showed us his Department of the Mural Techniques and then all the Academy. After the first of our long series of lunches at the Academy Café and after another view of the student’s studios, we went to see a bit of Sofia and as we remained enchanted, we’ve promised ourselves to return for more sightseeing, as soon as we have some free time.
According to our program, on Monday we have arrived to the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia. Academy was all in ferment because of the final exams, when students prepare exhibitions of their best works. In this lively atmosphere we were received by prof. Boyan Dobrev, who has showed us his Department of the Mural Techniques and then all the Academy. After the first of our long series of lunches at the Academy Café and after another view of the student’s studios, we went to see a bit of Sofia and as we remained enchanted, we’ve promised ourselves to return for more sightseeing, as soon as we have some free time.
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