Finalmente siamo arrivati a Sofia in Bulgaria, un volo eccellente e un' accoglienza premurosa, il tempo: ventoso, piovoso, poi soleggiato e poi nuovamente piovoso ci ha mostratto fin da subito tutte le varietà climatiche del paese. Arrivati finalmente agli alloggi e posati i bagagli, abbiamo fatto la conoscenza degli altri ragazzi, le prime bariere linguistiche non sono state un ostacolo per capire che eravamo tutti stanchi ed eccitati. Poi Kalin un ragazzi bulgaro del 3° anno ci ha mostrato il quartiere dove risediamo, la "città degli studenti", estremamente affascinante come l'europa dell'est. Neanche il tempo di tornare agli alloggi che i docenti, Pierpa e Seba per gli amici, ci hanno raggiunto per la cena. Così mentre gli altri ragazzi dell'Accademia di Valencia e di Varsavia cenavo con i rispettivi professori, noi non da meno abbiamo assaltato un ristorante, con portate locali, per fare la nostra prima esperienza bulgara, squisita.
Finally we’ve arrived to Sofia in Bulgaria, after an excellent flight and attentive welcome; the weather: windy, rainy, sunny, and then again rainy, has demonstrated us from the very beginning all the climatic diversity of Bulgaria. When we finally arrived to our accommodation and we got rid of our laguages, we met partecipants from other countries. The language barrier was not a problem to understand that we’re all both tired and excited. Kalin, the Bulgarian student of the 3rd year of the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia showed us around the students quartier. Italian teachers, Pierpa e Seba (for friends!) have joined students from Macerata for dinner, as other professors from Valencia and from Warsaw had dinners with their students. It was our first possibility to try tipical Bulgarian dishes and our first exquisite Bulgarian experience.
Finally we’ve arrived to Sofia in Bulgaria, after an excellent flight and attentive welcome; the weather: windy, rainy, sunny, and then again rainy, has demonstrated us from the very beginning all the climatic diversity of Bulgaria. When we finally arrived to our accommodation and we got rid of our laguages, we met partecipants from other countries. The language barrier was not a problem to understand that we’re all both tired and excited. Kalin, the Bulgarian student of the 3rd year of the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia showed us around the students quartier. Italian teachers, Pierpa e Seba (for friends!) have joined students from Macerata for dinner, as other professors from Valencia and from Warsaw had dinners with their students. It was our first possibility to try tipical Bulgarian dishes and our first exquisite Bulgarian experience.
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